
Concrete Cutting

Concrete cutting and drilling services using the latest cutting equipment without any vibrations or cracks in the building

We provide concrete cutting service for all concrete structures, including drilling and partial removal, using saws and wire concrete drills without dust and of the highest quality while ensuring quiet and safe work on all projects

The task of cutting concrete requires a lot of effort, and therefore we have a team that has received specialized training and skills in this field. This has made all companies keen to ask huge prices for the services they provide, and with Al-Mrooj Company for cutting and perforating the mold or concrete in du, we are keen that the services are distinguished and at the same time the prices are commensurate with all groups.

Concrete drilling and cutting services are as follows


1- Cutting walls, slabs, reinforced concrete, and ready-mix

2-Making openings for doors, windows, air conditioning, and ventilation holes

3- Slots for elevators and staircases

4- We provide practical solutions for making cylindrical holes for different sizes of sanitary fittings Electrical and drainage equipment.

5- Cutting and coring concrete surfaces with a circular saw

6- Cylindrical holes for draining water and for plumbing purposes

7- Make holes to pass the power cable

8- Cutting marble, stones, and granite, as well as asphalt of any thickness

9- Practical and ideal solutions for removing walls and opening doors and windows in reinforced concrete and precast concrete of any thickness.

Wire saws for cutting concrete

We have the latest equipment used in it and perforating, the most important of which is the wire saw, which is characterized by the ability to cut from a variety of angles and any size of concrete pieces

Concrete structures may be too large or difficult to reach, and the concrete shape may be so irregular that regular concrete blades cannot cut it, the best solution for this is wire saws that are able to give solutions and move easily in all these problems

Features of wire saws

Cleaner building areas.

Deeper cuts to concrete.

Fast precise cutting.

 Easy and quiet entry.


Concrete saw

concrete wire saw

steel wire saw

concrete cutter/saw

The concrete saw is cut for any concrete pieces such as stairs, barriers, beams, walls, slabs, columns, and any concrete pieces, and we also use hydraulic power packs

Cut/Saw steel wire

Steel wire saws are used to cut high thickness steel such as steel pipes, steel structures, ships, airplanes, and the solid foundation of water tanks.

Concrete wire saw

Wet wire for any type of concrete structure of any depth is cut in 3 phases using Hilti power packColumns and foundation walls, bridges, girders, joist foundations, and slab foundations

concrete cutting company

Al Mrooj Building Contracting Company is one of the best professional concrete cutting and coring drilling companies in Dubai, through contractors trained to use the latest technologies without any vibration or cracking of the building.

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For inquiries about demolition and construction services and solutions

You can contact the support team via the following numbers